参与设计师:刁秋蓉袁晓凡 金李江
Project: BaohuaRoyal Villa ? JinhuaD
Location: Pudong, Shanghai
MainMaterial: whitetravertine,stingray skin, venge, nacre, Italian Serpeggiante,oak, long petal silk greymarble.
Size: 712m2
Completiondate: 12. 2013
ChiefDesigner: JackyLien , TAIWAN
Co-Designers:QiurongDiao; Xiaofan Yuan; Lijiang Jin
We would like to expressvia this project the cultural value and the human’s inner necessity. We focus on how we could use the space andstructure to transmit the inner demand and introspection of human being. Therefore,although the interior design of the villa is absolutely based on thearchitectural design, it still improves the perspective using the combinationof different materials. The new artistic figures in the living room extend tremendouslythe vision. New oriental style decorations harmoniously blend with theoccidental structure, which appear to be a kind of culture communication thatbreaks through the implicit style. Meanwhile, the harmony in the overallambience has been created by the application of coherent color and woods.
Different from the livingroom, the basement is separated into several functional areas, taking intoconsiderations the territoriality, privacy anddistinctive functional needs, trying to bring the inhabitants easy adaption tothe ambience. The wood structure and semi open partitions create a free spaceand adjust the environmental rhythm in the area. Classical Chinese furnishings,pine trees and flowers increase the energy all over around.
Thanks to the ingenious use of the natural lights, the basement ischeckered with sunlight and shade dedicating to a better sense of hierarchy. The harmony there comforts everyone of us and brings peace and quiet. The energy in the space will spread toeach corner wherever the light reaches. A balance of the design tonality weakens the conflict among different styles in the same space.
This project is a mixtureof eastern and western culture, a communication among the designer, theambience and the inhabitant. The elegancy transmitted by the design reflectsthe living attitude of the owner. Beyond all doubt design is not just a simpleartistic pattern, but a spiritual communication. The ambience and the owner mayeventually affect and even change each other in the spiritual level.